Phone: 0554 756 00 23
Twitter: @fethiyekadin
Facebook: @fethiyekadin
Instagram: @fethiyekadindanismadayanisma
We are continuing our efforts to make women’s voices heard in decision making processes to ensure that women take part in economic, social and political areas by way of awareness campaigns.
We try to support women who are being subjected to violence and who recognise this fact and want to remove themselves from the violence by taking applications from them and trying to meet their needs in every area.
We refer women who need legal and psychological support to volunteer psychologists and lawyers in the province and provide follow-ups.
We share our knowledge and experience with women’s organisations in the region to create solidarity.
We try to promote the work we have done with feminist methods through various forms of action and written and visual materials.
We organise internships and trainings in Wendo (Women’s Defense Art) which are used to stop violence and practiced with feminist methods.
We carry out informative and awareness-raising activities about the mechanisms through which they can receive support by providing at-home visits to women living in remote, disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
We try to stand in solidarity with women who have been murdered by attending the hearings of trials and to raise our voices for justice.